The Influential Nonprofit

Claire Wyneken, The Wyman Center: Replicating Programs Nationally

Episode Notes

Claire Wyneken joined Wyman for a 3-month job in 1987.  She has dedicated her career to expanding equitable and transformative outcomes for young people. Her vision is for every young person to find fulfillment and joy in the discovery and contribution of their gifts to the world.  Claire spent 20 years in direct service programs and a decade designing and launching innovations in St. Louis and across the United States. She has served as Wyman’s President and CEO since 2016.

Claire is an alumnus of Leadership St. Louis, CORO Women in Leadership, and the NCCJ Dismantling Racism Institute. She served as the Board Chair for the Missouri Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership and for Big Crank Cycling. She is the Chair-Elect for Eliot Chapel.  She holds a BA in Humanities from Purdue University and a MS in Leadership and Organizational Development from Saint Louis University.  In 2019, Claire was selected as an Alumni Merit awardee from St. Louis University. She is a contributing author to Women Courageous: Women Leaders Navigating Adversity and the Leadership Labyrinth to Lead Well (2021).

She and her wife, Patrice and furbaby, Buddha, live in St. Louis City. 


Key Takeaways:


“I believe that courage begets courage, I know that I’m more inspired when I’m around courageous people. ” - Claire Wyneken


Reach out to Claire Wyneken at:





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